Right, so you want free stuff but you’re not sure if it’s the real deal? Or have some questions? Let’s see if we can’t put your mind at ease and answer any questions you might have.

What’s the catch? Is this bulldust? Is it really free?

No catch. It’s not bulldust. It’s really free. Seriously. Which brings us to what your next question would likely be…

Why the heck are you giving stuff away for free?

It’s really not that complicated. We made a lot of stuff.  And we mean a lot. And so far we’ve only sold a bit of stuff. So we have quite a lot of stuff sitting around doing not very much. We could leave it there, just taking up space, gathering dust… or we could do something else with it. Like give it away to some Awesome Adventure Chicks. Perhaps an Awesome Adventure Chick just like you. And of course, we’re hoping there may be a little karma in it for us. Which brings us to you…

Who will you choose?

It’s pretty simple, we’re just looking for people who really like our stuff, and are likely to wear it out and about so other people can see you wearing it. It’s worth keeping in mind, we’re looking for a really diverse mix of people – different types of people from different places doing different things – so if we don’t pick you, it doesn’t mean you’re not awesome, of course, it may just mean we’re on the lookout for someone a bit different at that moment in time. We don’t have unlimited stuff to give away, so we can’t give everything to everyone. Oh, and if you’re even a little bit handy with a camera, that’s gonna help too. Because let’s be honest, and this is as close as it comes to ‘the catch’, there is something you might like to do for us in return. So, about that…

What am I supposed to do in return?

Here’s what you have to do: absolutely nothing. You can just take whatever you get, pat yourself on the back for being awesome, and go along your merry way.

But here’s what we’d love you to do… and you don’t have to do all of these things, but here’s some suggestions:

1. We’d love you to wear it. (That’s not complicated, if you’re not going to wear it, this probably isn’t for you.) And if someone sees you wearing it and asks where you got it from, you can tell them. And just like that, someone else has heard about us which is awesome. Mission accomplished. Much better than it sitting on a shelf in our ‘warehouse’ (ie spare bedroom), right?

2. If you wear it on one of your adventures, and it happens to make it into one of the pictures you post, then that’s even more awesome.  Maybe you’ll tag us. Or even better, maybe you’ll mention us in the caption. We don’t expect you to suddenly turn into salesperson of the year telling everyone to rush out and buy something, or be anything other than yourself. But if there’s any chance you could be your authentic self and still say something lovely like “How cool is this top from @AwesomeAdventureChick then we’d be pretty bloody grateful.

3. If you’re not into posting pics and tagging, you could always just send us a pic of you with your top on, and we’ll post it. And tag you. We don’t have a million followers, so you won’t magically be InstaFamous, but it’s still nice to get a tag and a nod, right? So maybe you’re taking your own pictures to post and you just take a cheeky little extra one to send to us. Maybe it won’t the kind of pic you’d post, but it’s something we would. See how this works? Cool. (And still not really a ‘catch’, right? Just a little mutual back scratching. You get something. We get something. And life is awesome.)

Is this basically just a sneaky way for you to get pictures of your products for free?

Well, yes, pretty much. You get a Tshirt. We get a picture. It’s kind of like a little trade. Except you don’t actually have to do anything at all if you don’t want to. We’re just hoping you will. Because you’re awesome.

What do I actually get if you choose me?

We ask you to tell us what size you are, what your address is, and what your top three preferences would be. We say top three, because we’d much rather send out a mixture of stuff, and if everyone asks for the exact same thing, that gets a bit boring. Or if we’re low on stock on one particular item, it’s better for us to send you something we have more of. So maybe you’ll get your first preference, maybe not. And that’s why.

So is this a competition? Are there terms and conditions?

This is not a competition. There are no terms and conditions. We’re just connecting with people who like our stuff, having a little ‘chat’, and then giving some people some stuff. There are no quiz questions to answer. No ‘prizes’ being awarded. Think of it more like meeting a new friend, hanging out for a bit, and then that friend saying “Hey, would you like one of my Tshirts?”. (We’re not even adding you to our database so there’s no forms to fill in, no emails coming. Unless you want them, in which case, if you want to stay in touch, you can sign up here.)

So what do I do now?

Here’s what we want from you. Send us an email, say hi, and tell us:

1. Your name and what state/country you’re from. (If we pick you, we’ll get your delivery address later.)

2. Your Instagram Name. (We need to get a feel for who you are and what you’re about, so if you don’t have Instagram or it’s not set to public, that’s going to make it real difficult for us to get to know you and pick you.)

3. What size you are and what your top three preferences from our online store would be.

4. If you’ve got anything else to say, want to tell us about yourself or what you do that might not be obvious on your Instagram, feel free to include that as well. Remember, there are no ‘right or wrong answers’, and there’s no need to try and suck up because you just never know what we’re looking for on any given day. Just be your awesome self and let’s see what happens.

If you’ve got any other questions or comments, feel free to contact us any time.

Awesome Adventure Chick x