Here in Australia at least, we’ve hit 2017 and I thought what better time to share some new year wishes with you. And well, not so much ‘wishes’, and certainly not ‘resolutions’, but rather, ‘goals’. Stuff I absolutely, positively will be doing.
Don’t get sucked into the story everyone’s telling.
The first thing I’d like to say, though, is to remind you 2016 was a blank canvas. Just like 2017 is right now. And while 2016-bashing may be pretty popular at the moment with so many people saying how happy they are to see the back of it, I want to remind you 2016 was also filled with joy and wonder and awesome adventures. Maybe you experienced some of that personally, maybe not. But it was there. Behind all those terrible news headlines. I promise. I can tell you that in amongst the war and celebrity deaths and tales of doom and gloom, there was much joy and kindness and happiness as well. I know, because I had some of it. Sure, there were some not so awesome moments as well – that’s how it goes. But please, when you look back on the year that was, don’t forget to remember there were bits of awesome out there as well. And even if it was tough, it was a year of your life. Another year that’s shaped who you are today – and I hope that no matter what’s happened for you, you can celebrate and rise above and come out stronger, more resilient and, of course, more awesome! 🙂
Bring on 2017.
For me personally, 2017 was the year that saw the launch of our humble little brand. And while we haven’t exactly set the world on fire just yet, (all good things take time, right?), we’re on our way. We started. We took our first steps. And well know even the grandest adventures and longest journeys start with a single step. For us, we made our first Kiva Loan and supported One Girl with the first proceeds from everything we sold. There are women in the world who are better off because of us – that’s me and you! And I look forward to magnifying that in the year ahead. I have no idea what you have planned, but if you’re here now reading this, I have little doubt it involves at least a little bit of our ‘Have Fun | Do Good’ philosophy in there somewhere, in whatever form that may be for you.
I know what I’ll absolutely, positively be doing is looking past the doom and gloom, to look for the awesome opportunities ahead to breathe in the fresh air, feel the sunshine on my face, and to continue my love affair with adventure – be it big or small, near or far. More micro adventures. More awesome moments. More smiles and laughter and kindness. More daring deeds – and good ones too. More positive thoughts shared. And more Awesome products created. More fun had, more good done.
And finally, thankyou.
Last, but not least, thankyou. I never really know how many of you read this, if it’s one or one hundred or one million, (OK, I know it’s not one million! 😉 ), but whoever and wherever you are, I want to say thanks for being a part of my Awesome Adventures in some way. Whether you’ve bought something, said ‘hi’ along the way, in real life or on social media. Or just stopped by our little website for a quick look. Whatever. Thanks. There’s literally no point me doing what I do if there are people like you to come along for the ride.
So here’s to an awesome 2017 – and love and adventure for all.
Awesome Adventure Chick
PS I also wanted to share with you the wonderful card we received from the team at One Girl. So I’ve included a copy of it below, because it’s addressed to ‘the gang’ and you’re a part of that gang, (don’t panic, we’re a good gang, not a mean one), so it’s for you as much as it is for me!